Regatta Solution recently received an order for a 500 TR Thermax Multi-Energy driven chiller from a premier grow house facility in California. The equipment is…

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Category: Microgrid
Agave® Systems sponsors Homer Micro Grid Conference in San Diego
Agave® Systems is proud to have been a sponsor of the Homer Micro Grid Conference in San Diego October 8th and 9th. The team had…
Read more about Agave® Systems sponsors Homer Micro Grid Conference in San Diego
Agave Systems sponsoring 6th Annual HOMER International Microgrid Conference and Exhibition
Microgrids and the Transition to Distributed Energy October 8–10th, 2018 Join us! Agave Systems will be a sponsor of the 6th Annual HOMER International Microgrid…
Regatta at the 2017 Food Processing Expo
Food Processing Expo 2017 was a huge success with more than 2,500 participants in the two-day event held February 8-9 at the Sacramento Convention Center. Andrea…
Microgrids Ensure Business Resiliency
Microgrids are the optimal energy solution for sustainability, resilience and cost effectiveness. Steve Acevedo spoke today on real life examples from breweries to manufacturing, to…