Many facilities in the U.S. are considering replacing their aging boilers due to increased maintenance costs, new regulations that may require boiler modifications, corporate or institutional sustainability objectives, and increasing steam demands. CHP as a Boiler Replacement Opportunity is a fact sheet describing how CHP can effectively replace on-site boilers and grid-supplied electricity. The paper also presents the economic, operational and environmental benefits of utilizing natural gas-fired CHP in lieu of natural gas-fired boilers, based on a comparison of CHP- and boiler-based systems with equal outputs.
Output-based regulations (OBR) encourage energy efficiency and clean energy supply technologies such as CHP as compliance strategies by relating emissions to the productive output of the process rather than to the amount of fuel burned. Accounting for CHP in Output-Based Regulationswas developed to educate air regulators and others about the appropriate treatment of the electrical and thermal outputs of CHP in OBR. The paper also provides examples of state and federal OBR that account for both the electrical and thermal output of CHP.
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