Regatta Supports AB 365 to support CHP Installations!

Regatta Solutions supports Assembly Bill 365 AB 365 would relieve current and future clients with clean, onsite generation technologies from paying non-bypassable charges (NBCs)  on electricity that…

Sacramento_capitolRegatta Solutions supports Assembly Bill 365

AB 365 would relieve current and future clients with clean, onsite generation technologies from paying non-bypassable charges (NBCs)  on electricity that they generate.  The bill would only assess NBCs on electricity purchased from the grid .  This policy will enable more investment in  CHP projects generate clean, onsite electric generation that improve air quality, and reduce energy costs for all ratepayers.

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Sample Support Letter:


June 16, 2014

The Honorable Alex Padilla
Chair, Senate Energy, Utilities, and Commerce Committee
State Capitol Room 5046
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Senator Padilla,

________ would like to express our support for Assembly Bill 365 by Assembly Member Mullin which would eliminate barriers to the installation of clean, reliable, onsite electricity generation.  This bill would enable broader deployment of clean distributed energy resources which help meet California’s energy and environmental goals while reducing the cost of electricity for all ratepayers.


Residential, commercial, and industrial customers, such as Company Name, are willing to invest their own capital to install clean onsite generation technologies.  However, nonbypassable charges applied to electricity produced and consumed onsite create an economic barrier to these investments.  As a result, ratepayers and the State do not get to realize the cost savings and environmental benefits provided by clean onsite generation.

Clean onsite generation technologies provide multiple benefits to the environment, electric grid, and ratepayers.  These technologies reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas and criteria pollution emissions compared to the grid.  They also provide much needed grid reliability and resiliency by reducing overall demand and providing backup for when the grid goes down.  Furthermore, since onsite generation reduces demand on the grid, it reduces the need for electricity generated by inefficient, dirty, and expensive “peaker” plants.

For all of these reasons, we strongly support AB 365 and urge your support when this bill is heard by your committee.
